Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières
Type: Industrial application Country: France URL: http://www.brgm.fr/
Contact person for NetFlot project: Dr. Sylvain Guignot
Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM or French Geological Survey, www.brgm.eu), is the leading public institution in Earth Science in France, and an Associate Partner in Central CLC. Its core expertise includes the development of eco-technologies for mineral raw materials processing and recycling, as well as the modelling of reactive transport and of geochemical processes. In the Network of Infrastructure “Modelling of the Flotation Processes”, BRGM offers fundamental modelling and simulation of the flotation process at a local scale, to contribute to the development of the targeted modelling and validation toolbox. To this end, BRGM takes advantage of its experience (i) in geochemical and aqueous modelling speciation of aqueous saline systems (up to brine modelling), (ii) in multiphase flow hydrodynamics, and (iii) in reactive transport processes at solid/liquid and gas/liquid interfaces. BRGM experimental facilities comprise bench-scale flotation cells (60 L Wemco cells) and equipment dedicated to the physicochemical characterization of mineral particles: particle size measurements (by laser diffraction), surface charge potential measurements (by capillary electrophoresis), and statistical analysis of the size and shape distributions of particles from 400 nm to 1000 nm (by morphogranulometry).